Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Test May 22, 2007

Limbs entwined, enraptured

Heavy is the scent enamored

Short yet heavy breaths

Gasps and moans pollute the silence

Outside the ladies wait

Chewing betel leaves lips all red

They gaze into the crackling fire

Eager for dusk end and rising dawn

The first cracks of dawn

Stain bright the starless sky

The rooster crows with puffed out chest in pride

Slow stirrings as the world awakens

The ladies wait in hushed silence

Their eyes still averted from the hut behind

Dull ambers crackle and spit last flames

And smoke makes misty sleepy eyes

A dim shadow cast, ever so light

The man walks away in triumphant silence

They wait still now on their haunches

Like hungry jackals, tensed some their long sleepless night

Falling over each other they pick themselves up

And hurry into the object of their night’s fascination

Stillness and silence mixed with that heady scent

Permeates heavy the air, as their vision accustoms

There she lies in a crumpled mess hair all disarray

Crushed glass bangles and smudged sindoor

Yet coyly smiling at the faces

Who stare in suppressed elation

She holds in her hand her prized possession

Stained sheets from a nights exertion

The ladies cry out and beat their chests

Anxiety gives way to joy,

The girl has passed the test

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You Are Welcomed Warmly

I see you've found yourself suddenly here amidst the poetic scribbles of my rambling mind often incoherent to the general you and only understood by myself.

If you find that my words have touched you, then indeed my journey of words has met its objective ... I wish to be able to let you the unknown reader experience my rollercoaster existence with the stringing of words.

It is my sincere hope that you will come many times again and leave your comments and feedback for I am only a writer here in the anonymity of the internet, harbouring a burning desire to someday hold my words bound within pages in the bookstores of the world ...

Perhaps dreams keeps us going - I intend to try perhaps to turn mine into some reality .. thank you for stopping by...
