Sunday, December 4, 2011

Waiting .... Dec 04, 2011

against my window
searching into the distance
never did your shadow cast
might I have blinked
missed the moment 
if i keep looking
perhaps you will
gift me with a glimpse of your shy smile
eyes lowered as you hurry by
so here I remain

~.ani original 30th Sept 2010

You Are Welcomed Warmly

I see you've found yourself suddenly here amidst the poetic scribbles of my rambling mind often incoherent to the general you and only understood by myself.

If you find that my words have touched you, then indeed my journey of words has met its objective ... I wish to be able to let you the unknown reader experience my rollercoaster existence with the stringing of words.

It is my sincere hope that you will come many times again and leave your comments and feedback for I am only a writer here in the anonymity of the internet, harbouring a burning desire to someday hold my words bound within pages in the bookstores of the world ...

Perhaps dreams keeps us going - I intend to try perhaps to turn mine into some reality .. thank you for stopping by...
