Friday, April 11, 2008

Destitute Living Sept, 1999

a simple man and his wife till their land
hard muscles frame every inch of his body
she void of expression toils beside her man
testament to their life of labor, the sun beats down on his already
darkened skin. the sweat and salt of his body falls to the earth...
readily swallowed by the parched soil he tills. children bear the yoke
of labor bravely... aged before their years illiteracy reigns...
squashing any means of escape from their squalor. a shiny four wheel
machine draws near. the man stops his labor... the children run
excitedly toward this sleek symbol of wealth, laughing at their
reflections upon its shine. out of the cool comfort a haughty face
emerges, a sneer poverty at the poverty twitches at the corners of the
unsmiling mouth a piece of paper waved words harshly barked out
fear descends upon the family of simple peasants
their future unknown "make way you peasant folk
your presence is an UNWANTED OBSTRUCTION to the progress of this
nation make way,
i care not for your discomfort nor your uncertain future
all that MATTERS to me is gold to keep my coffers full
and your family starves, all the matters is that my coffers overflow


Mohan said...

Like your poems a lot (except for some cliches here and there). You are obviously right when you say your poems will only be truly undestood by you but poetry has always been about people taking the essense and the abstract of meaningful words and making sense of them in their own lifes!
A quote for you::
You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star. - Friedrich Nietzsche .
Keep the poems coming!

Unknown said...

I have read that quote several times before. I have a view of the meaning now :)

I see cross reading brought you hear :)) and thank you ...

the Cliches sometimes cannot be avoided but I try to circumvent around them best I can.

Thanks much Mohan.

Mohan said...

hey .ani,
Here's a few scribblings i wrote under the influence when not working on Math(suppose one can never resist the self-centered urge to brag about something or rather but i do hope you enjoy them!)

there goes the one legged tramp,
sore infested gangrenous, barefooted connection to the land,
through melancholic hills of loneliness and valleys of
despair,feeding on rotting food and grieving drains,
yet, he trudges on gracefully in awe of life;

there goes the one legged tramp,
who stepped on a landmine, picked it and held it close to
his heart,then kissed it with his numb lips,
and erupted into a million pieces of sacrifice, dried love on the dirt,
yet, he trudges on gracefully in love with life;

there goes the one legged tramp,
whom kids chased and paupers spat at, voidness in emotional
piety, and women raped and buried his smile in a tombless
grave, although it was him that woke them from death,
yet, he trudges on gracefully in heavenly laughter;

there goes the one legged tramp,
who never came back nor was heard of neither remembered,
till the rivers flowed black with laughter of his,
and a million footprints trampled on his lost sole,
yet, he trudges on gracefully to the one he loved.
like seemingly disappearing random faces;
where turmoil dwells even in sleep;
when finally the lying prophet saw...
an atheist trapped within the fading pages of the bible,
a Muslim standing on the qu'ran trying to grab a piece of allah's heart,
a yogic guru entangled in a simplistic net of capitalistic
a retarded statue of jesus making love to minnie mouse;
AND the gods laughed merrily and danced and sung and proclaimed
innocent barriers of mortality on the thinking apes oF the fading planet.
a crying child,
with tears of semen and a torn underwear drenched in blood,
listens to the hurt.
lies motionless in a gulag of erected penises,
secreting vaginal puss of traditional rituals,
capitalistic arrogance,
and free madness,
to feed a family of 15 1/2 on the poppied hills OF human orgasms.......
who cares!
who gives a damn!
who cares!
fuck OFF !.......WHO CARES!!!
i do.
do take care, M.
p/s: perhaps you should write a happy poem!!

Unknown said...

Dear M (wow everyone getting into the shortened name you think??)

Nice stuff, I like the images that come to mind as I repeatedly run the words over in my mind - like how wine enthusiasts do with their samplings - and you should be one to tell me to write a happy poem? ahah

I am too melancholic and happy deprivation has left me devoid of experiencing such an emotion to emote through my poems.

hehehe ... under the influence en? sounds dangerous. mind you I am always sober and still I write like this - imagine what might spew out under the influence??? Heaven Forbid!

I was advised to have a poetry reading session of my scribbles ... should I invite you to guest read your writings on your next visit to Malaysia? Stop over on the way back from KLIA ahha I'm 'Siew Pau' land girl :))

This cross reading and all thanks to Bala eheh - except being surrounded by Kopites is giving this lil 'Devil' a bit of hives!

Mohan said...

hey .ani,
My point of happy poems:
of those who perished in honour with their forgotten names embedded in the cold chapters of history,
and of those who live with their endless fortunes, awards and
I stand the grandest of them
for it was I who realized what none saw,
'twas while kneeling emotionally naked sketching stick figures of my meaningless life
on the ground,
that i saw, YOU gently wading through life with purest of noble intent,
reaching out to embrace existence only with the heart,
blind be the world not to see,
for none so devine ever tamed all grief,
AND touched and loved and

of priests who meditate in solitude while they contemplate heavenly blessings,
and of junkies who exhale in awe and delirious smiles,
while induced chemicals and neuroreceptors made love;
I rest the most contented of them all..........................
for it was I who felt what none realized,
'twas while void of all senses,
searching within, bleeding sorrow, failing to feel,
that i felt, YOU
pure soul and spontaneous mind to comfort and heal,
a presence so deep, death part not that is one,
for reason to exist, belonged not to me, but to an angel who held my hand and
never let go.
whilst soft rain drown your troubles,
and worries flow toward oblivion,
let the angels cradle you,
in heavens arms,
rocking so gently,
sprinkling warm kisses,
comforting hugs of an ethereal lullaby,
a paupers wish, in the doldrums of uncertainty,
an invitation to a dream,
where wild horses roam free AND
eternal motherly love holds sound.
Morbid clouds molested the skies,
God's venom drowned the mind;

As I stared silent into her vacant eyes,
Captivated by tranquillity radiating within,
Sporadic blinking,a natural interruption of tenderness,
Virginal white irises, an invitation to a blood-shot past,
Tears held-back against cryptic words never meant, said anyway;

Vacant storm,
Erratic screams of sunshine;

Her eyes gravitated toward eternal peace, flashing nuances,
bearing rainbow hues sprinkled with glitter and star-dust,
blinding all doubt, love never meant to be;

As I melted in certainty, and dared to believe, once more, for were I blind and offered just one glimpse of sight,
those eyes of beauty,
would all my desire be;

So I shut my eyes,
kissed the darkness
and reached out to the adulterous mermaid.
Perhaps what i meant was that you can take a crappy destitute and depressive situation and turn in around so it would make someone just a little happier.
Thanks for your offer. No idea when I'm going back though. Still much to do and way way too much to drink!!!
seeya, M.

Unknown said...


tried writing a new one today in all of 5 mins :)

tell me what you think :)


You Are Welcomed Warmly

I see you've found yourself suddenly here amidst the poetic scribbles of my rambling mind often incoherent to the general you and only understood by myself.

If you find that my words have touched you, then indeed my journey of words has met its objective ... I wish to be able to let you the unknown reader experience my rollercoaster existence with the stringing of words.

It is my sincere hope that you will come many times again and leave your comments and feedback for I am only a writer here in the anonymity of the internet, harbouring a burning desire to someday hold my words bound within pages in the bookstores of the world ...

Perhaps dreams keeps us going - I intend to try perhaps to turn mine into some reality .. thank you for stopping by...
